Friday, January 9, 2015

SoCal Girl Goes on the Paradise Falls Hike

SORRY I've been so MIA lately. Work, family, vacation, and Vegas caught up with me and I was out of town for the holidays, so there was that too.

Since I haven't posted anything in so long, I guess I'll start where I left off, around Thanksgiving Break. My sister, M, and I decided to go on a hike Thanksgiving morning in order to get our appetites up and going. We wanted something short but interesting, and so we decided on a popular SoCal waterfall hike called Paradise Falls.

Paradise Falls is gorgeous 40-ft waterfall located about a mile into the canyons of Wildwood Park. M and I were so excited to see a real waterfall at the end of the hike, especially after our disappointment at Escondido Falls. We checked Yelp the week before and the night before to make sure there was still water (we were paranoid because of the SoCal drought and all), and left early in the morning to avoid the heat.

Within twenty minutes into the hike, we came across a giant Native American teepee and after a quick mini-photo shoot, we continued on our merry way.

The hike is perfectly suitable for most ages, its fairly easy, on steady ground, and not long at all (maybe 2 miles round trip but that's probably even pushing it). We got to the Falls within 15 minutes of the teepees and then spent a half hour or so exploring the nearby area.

It was a lovely hike (probably a bit too short for my taste) and I'm so glad we finally got around to doing it! M and I are definitely planning on coming back and exploring the other trails in Wildwood Canyons.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

SoCal Girl Goes to a Product Launch Party


So last week, we had a product launch party at work, and since our launch parties are so much fun, I thought I'd share a few pictures. I won't go into detail about the product itself, for confidential reasons of course, but whenever our company launches a new product, we throw a launch party for all the employees to celebrate. They're usually themed and involve lots of yummy food and games and photo booths.

This time, our theme was a luau, and we celebrated with lots of yummy snacks, pastries, candied applies, and sweets as well as costume competitions (best Hawaiian shirt), leis, hula skirts, and a shark attack photo booth. My coworkers and I had such a great time munching on all the delicious goodies and posing for ridiculous shark attack photos (see below). It's so nice to celebrate something the entire company worked towards in such a fun and memorable way.